
By his Excellency The GovernoE

Whereas ye Generall Assembly in thier last Session accepted ye
report of thier comitte appointed to consider of ye Damages
Sustained by Sundry persons prosecuted for Witchcraft in ye
year 1692 vizt

  £ s d
To Elizabeth How 12–0–0
George Jacobs 79–0–0
Mary Eastey 20–0–0
Mary Parker 08–0–0
George Burroughs 50–0–0
Giles corey & wife 21–0–0
Rebeccah Nurs<e> 25–0–0
John Willard 20–0–0
Sarah Good 30–0–0
Martha Carrier 7–6–0
Samuel Wardwell {& wife} 36–15–0
John Procter {& wife} 150–0–0
Sarah Wild 014–0–0
Mary Bradbury 20–0–0
Abigail Faulkner 20–0–0
Abigail Hobbs 10–0–0
Anne Foster 6–10–0
Rebeccah {Eames} 10–0–0
Dorc<e>s Hoar 21–17–0
Mary Post 8–14–0
Mary Lacey 8–10–0

The whole amounting vnto Five hundred Seventy Eight
poundes and Twelue Shillings.
I doe by & with the advice and consent of Her Majties Council
hereby order you to pay ye aboue Sum of fiue hundred Seuenty
Eight poundes & Twelue Shillings to Stephen Sewall Esqr who
together with ye Gentlemen of ye Comitte that Estimated and
Reported ye Said Damages are desired & directed to distribute
ye Same in proportion as above to Such of ye Said persons
as are Liuing & to those that legally represent them that
are dead according as ye law directs & for which this Shall be your
To Mr Treasurer Taylor
By order of ye GovernoE & Council
Isa Addington Secrty

Given under my hand at
Boston the 17. Day of December
1711. J. Dudley

Copy of ye allowance

Margaret Towne 1/3 6–12–8
margaret Willard 3–4–6
Hanah Willard. 3–4–6

Allowance to
persons who were
prosecuted for
witchcraft 1692

Order for payment of damages by Governor Joseph Dudley, December 17, 1711, Phillips Library, on deposit from the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives, DEP 01, box 12, folder 32