
We whos nams Are under writen being desiered to goe to goodman
nurs his hous to speeke with his wife and to tell her that seueral of
the Aflicted persons mentioned her: and Acordingly we went and we
found her in A weak and Lowe condition in body as shee told us and had
been sicke allmost A weak and we asked howe it was otherwis with her
and shee said shee blest god for it shee had more of his presents in this: sicknes
then somtime shee haue had but not soe much as shee desiered: but shee
would with the Apostle pres forward to the mark: and many other: places
of scriptur to the Like purpos: and then of her owne Acord shee begane
to speek of the Affliction that was Amongst them and in perticuler of
mr parris his family and howe shee was greued for them though shee
had not been to see them: by Reason of fits that shee formerly use to haue
for people said it was Awfull to: behold: but shee pittied them with: all her
harte: and went to god for them: but shee said shee heard that there was
persons spoke of that wear as Innocent as shee was shee beliued and
After much to this purpos: we told her we heard that shee was
spoken of allsoe: well she said if it be soe ye will of the Lord {be} done: she
sate still A whille being as it wear Amazed: and then shee said well [1 word overstruck]
as to this thing I am Innocent as the child unborne but seurly shee
said what sine hath god found out in me unrepented of that he should
Lay such an Affliction upon me In my old Age: and Acording to our
best obseruation we could not decern that shee knewe what we
came for before we tould her
Israel porter
Elizabeth porter

To the substance of what is
Above we if coled there too:
are Ready to testifie on: oath
Daniell Andrewe
Peter Clays

Statement of Daniel Andrew, Peter Cloyce, Israel Porter, and Elizabeth Porter for Rebecca Nurse, about March 24, 1692, Phillips Library, gift of W. D. Pickman, May 1, 1865, MSS 401, box 1, folder 16