Salem May the 28th 1692
Joseph Houlton and John Walcot both of Salem
village Yeomen made Complaint in behalfe of
theire Majests against [ ] Carrier of Andouer the
wife of Thomas Carrier of sd Towne husbandman [ ]
ffosdick of Maulden or charlstown
[ ] Re<e>d of Marblehead the wife of Samull Reed of sd place
[ ] Rice of Reding the wife of Nicholas Rice of sd Towne
[ ] How the wife of James How of Topsfeild Capt
John Alden of Boston Mariner. William Procter of
Salem ffarmes, Capt John fflood of <Ramney> {ma<rsh> <i>n boston} Mary
Toothaker the wife of Roger toothaker of Bilrica, and
[ ] Toothaker the daufter of sd Roger Toothaker
[ ] Abott yt liues between Ips Topsfeild & wenham
ffor Sundry acts of Witchcraft by them and Euery one
of them Committed on the Bodys of Mary Walcot, Abigail
Williams Marcy Lewis Ann Putnam and Others belonging
to Salem Village or farmes Lately, to the hurt and
Injury of theire bodys therefore Craues Justice.
Joseph houlton
John Walcutt
Carrier of Andouer – – Marshall Essex
Reed of Marblehead – Const –
Rice of Reding – Const –
How of Topsfeild – – Cons
Wm Procter – – – Const –
Complaint of Joseph Holton and John Walcott v. Martha Carrier, Elizabeth Fosdick, Wilmot Redd, Sarah Rice, Elizabeth How, John Alden, William Procter, John Flood, Mary Toothaker, Margaret Toothaker, and Arthur Abbott, May 28, 1692, Phillips Library, on deposit from the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives, DEP 01, box 7, folder 46