We invite you to use these images and transcriptions to read the original documents in The Salem Witch Trials: Reckoning and Reclaiming. Seventeenth-century penmanship can be difficult to decipher. Misspellings, abbreviations, and material losses over time add to the challenges for modern readers. We have organized the documents here by their placement in the exhibition’s sections.
Notes on the transcriptions
The transcriptions follow the standards and annotations used in Bernard Rosenthal, Records of the Salem Witch-Hunt (Cambridge University Press, 2009).
Angled brackets < > are used where letters are difficult to interpret. <?> indicates one or more consecutive illegible letters.
Curly brackets { } surround letters or words written above or below the line, or in the margin as a correction or addition. Carets ^ are used by recorders to indicate positioning has been retained.
[Lost] indicates text that is completely lost due to physical damage.